Menuez Pictures
COLLABORATED ON: image editS for special books and promotional pieces; represented aS photo agent for several yearS AND HAS continuous creative conversationS.
“The challenges I've faced in my life as a photographer have been eased considerably by my extraordinary sister Stephanie and her brilliant work over the years as my representative, creative collaborator, confidant, advisor, cheerleader and inspiration. Her natural empathy and sensitivity attracted our clients to her, allowed them to trust her and create long term relationships. She went on from working for me to representing some of the world's top photographers, booking countless major ad campaigns and building many careers. Because of her own artistic path as an actress and now as a painter, she connects with photographers and artists on deep personal level. She understands their process, sacrifice and passion. Stephanie also works as a consultant on portfolios, marketing and balancing life with work. It is my great pleasure to recommend her without reservation.”
-Doug Menuez